Tuesday, November 9, 2010

63 for me!

LOL...well, you still won that round! So, I guess I get 63 too since I am reporting a day late....Oops! And I hope we are starting again next week. If not, then I'm already failing miserably!

Monday, November 8, 2010


Not much to say, just "63."

Okay, I have one thing to say. If someone hadn't had a birthday, it would have been 64.

That is all. LOL.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Better, just not a lot better...

Well, it was better, but I have to get back on the exercise. I got 69. I did well on avoiding the Halloween candy until I had my free day on Saturday. Then, I just kept eating it on Sunday. Ooops. Still, better than what it would be if I hadn't been making the effort.

I am glad you enjoyed the gym. I think that is such a good idea. I was going to join a gym this fall, but I never followed through with the idea.

Nope, not better at all!!

63. However, I went to the gym for the first time today and LOVED IT! I ran on the elliptical machine and got a great workout without killing my shins. It felt so good to exercise like that again!